Legal Process

This is where I come in to make your life easier! There are several steps required to make your marriage legal, outlined in the Marriage Act 1961.

The most important things are:

  1. Your Notice of Intended Marriage form must be completed and lodged with me at least one month before the ceremony and no more than eighteen months before. I can help you to fill this out at our first meeting.
  2. You must show me an original birth certificate, or passport; photo identification (such as your licence); and documentary proof of termination of any previous marriage (death certificate or final divorcee decree).
  3. You will each need to sign a declaration before your marriage stating that you are free to marry and are not aware of any legal impediment to your marriage.
  4. You must provide two witnesses to your marriage at the ceremony, each to be over the age of 18 years.

Of all these, the main thing for you to think about at the early stage of planning is completing your Notice of Intended Marriage form and submitting it to your celebrant, at least one month before the wedding. So don’t leave this to the last minute, it is relatively easy to complete and is something I would be able to do with you at our first meeting. The Attorney General’s Department has more information on this form.

There are other legal requirements for your wedding, which I am happy to explain to you in person or via phone or email. But if you enjoy researching, check out the above  links for more information.

For people arranging prospective marriage visas or marrying a person from overseas, I am happy to discuss the additional requirements with you in person or via phone or email. For more information see the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.